Saturday, January 7, 2012

Meeting my Family

We are supposed to meet my family in NAIA Terminal 3, as they are arriving by 5AM,
but since the birthday boy got super drunk (wasted and vomiting eeewww), I called Dad to pick us up in the hotel instead.

That was 3AM, 2 hours before they're arriving, so I decided not to sleep, but put on the alarm anyway, in case....

The next thing I remembered was disturbing knocks on our room,and me jumping on my feet, and when I opened the door - - I saw Dad (with burning expression) and Bobot..

Dad was like - Russel we need to go now, the car is waiting down!

Holy Crap - I have fallen asleep, my phone's battery has died out and it is 10AM in the morning!

I dont know how Russel (still so drunk) whirled around the room, to change and get our stuff that we were out in 5 minutes..


Apparently, my dad has been calling me but my trusty phone is off, Thank you IPhone, I also didnt hear the Alarm, took 2 hours to find the hotel, and waited for an hour in the lobby (after the reception guy told them, we are already preparing, taking bath and all).

My only consolation.. seeing my family, the kids inside the car, waiting (irritated) for us.. HAHAHA

Well, Our vacation has finally started!

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