Friday, February 26, 2010

Bride at 29!

On the eve of mybirthday, Russell told me that come 2011, my birthday, I would already be a Mrs DSouza.

Am I panicking os Is he panicking? ; but for whatever reason, I thank him for realizing that its kinda off (at least for me) to be a bride at Thirty. So thank you my rockstar for realizing that haha..

At least I could blab around - Bride at 29! otherwise, the Title here is unimaginable...

So we are set!

Eight - January , Two Thousand and Eleven.. * fireworks...

It's on my ring finger...

Happee Days..

One greatest thing that happened when I went on vacation to Cebu was that... I got a new toy on my ring finger...

Exactly.. I got engaged People.. Jaihoooo!!!!

I was caught by surprise, that hugh - what is this- what does this mean?- kind of face.. I had just one last Dec 4. Should I just divulge the Proposal Story here? naaaa... better days ahead.. * evil grin..

Baby X

Last Feb 11, 2010 - we had a new addition to the Capa Family, one healthy, good-Chinese-looking baby boy... My first Nephew.. Dominique Xavier S. Capa - - a.k.a. Baby X...

Love you Baby X.. You make the trio so joyou...

Another proud Tita here in Dubai,....

Friday, February 19, 2010


It is sooooo 2010 and I am soooo soo late...

Well, for blessing ever wait on vitrous deeds; and though a late, a sure rewards still succeeds...

So I guess its still better to be late than never...

Happy 2010 Everyone!