The picture tells everything ey. So here's the story.
I have this bearable pain in my right wrist for months.
Bearable,so Im forgetting the pain even insist..
It worried Russ,so I did visit a Gen Med Doc last month. She gave me an ointment for the swelling which I feel helped, but recently it pains like hell.
Worried Russ insisted to visit an Ortho this time. So went to New Med and they call it DeQuervains Disease. A swelling in the tendons from thumb to wrist. They made me do exercises which kept me breathless of pain (no exaggeration!
Doc: will do Depomedrol injection and use a splint for 10 days!
Me: ok! when?
Doc: Right now.
Me: As in? Ok
They did it (no words can describe the pain when they stretched my arm!)
So now Im all plastered. The only chic thing..I have a Pink plaster haha
It has nothing to do with my ganglion cyst last year- but i feel sorry for my Righty. She is healthy as a horse, but having to experience all this ~~~
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